Post | September 2020 | Past webinars | 2 min read

10 September 2020 - "Ikigai - Finding Your Purpose for Positive Change"

Written by Gabriel Rodriguez
"Ikigai - Finding Your Purpose for Positive Change" by Alberto Gonzalez Otero, an optimist leader and entrepreneur, founder of Just on Purpose

Yet another successful event with the record attendance - 204 participants! Wow! And thanks to the wonders of modern technology, our webinar went beyond lecture-style where Alberto Gonzalez Otero included some interactive elements, thanks to Mentimeter and Zoom breakout rooms. 

Alberto Gonzalez Otero who is an optimist leader and entrepreneur who believes that one's purpose is the deriving force of positive change - for individuals and organizations. He is an experienced knowledgeable speaker who talked about his life and how his life shaped and changed with volunteering. He started his conversation with the question "What are you grateful for?..."

Alberto also talked about our fears and also what prevents us to do what we love doing. "I feel We tell ourselves a lot of stories about what we can and can’t do." - Alberto said. Fear holds us back from achieving our goals and dreams. When we fear the outcome or a part of the process, we don’t move forward. Taking action leads to increased confidence. Fear creates this vicious cycle that keeps us from realizing our goals and dreams and, in the process, robs us of our confidence.

Making a positive difference may seem like an underwhelming purpose, but when we make an effort to do so on a practical level, meaning ensues, because we see the fruits of our labor in real-time. Again, it’s necessary to stress that making a positive difference need not be anything huge. We’re conditioned by social media and popular culture to think only a grand scale influence is worthy of pursuing, but the reality is that small, visible changes are often more personally rewarding.

We want to thank Alberto for sharing his experience and advice about this important topic. We also want to thank our fantastic event partners, Present Den Haag and NL Cares. And, as always, we want to express our gratitude to our wonderful attendees for their participation in this collaborative and interactive webinar. We hope that you learned more about yourself, your skills, and your capabilities and that what you learned can be applied to your future success. See you at the next event!

About the Presenter

Alberto Gonzalez Otero's first job after earning a master's degree was selling encyclopedias door to door - a job he calls the "worst working experience" of his life. This led to 20 years in sales and commercial leadership roles at different companies, where he built and developed teams internationally and designed strategies and implementing processes. Although he credits this career trajectory with developing many crucial personal and professional skills, there were also some unfulfilling aspects: He spent much time in unnecessary meetings, defining KPIs, creating reports, and looking at dashboards. But he also discovered what he did enjoy about management: Supporting people in becoming better versions of themselves personally and professionally.

Thanks to this realization and several inspirational moments along the way, Alberto developed a methodology to help himself discover his purpose and to make the changes he had always dreamed of. Dedicating himself to helping others do the same, Alberto founded his own company, Just on Purpose, to help leaders, teams and individuals discover their purpose, transform, and maximize results. He does this through leadership programs, workshops, keynotes, and retreats to help his clients realize that achieving results is often just a matter of being led by a clear sense of purpose.

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