Post | October 2020 | Past networking events | 2 min read

2020 Our First Virtual Networking Event!

Written by Gabriel Rodriguez
On 15 October 2020, we hosted our very first VIRTUAL networking event! This event had originally been scheduled to be held at The Hague Tech in person, but the worsening COVID-19 situation forced us to move our event online.

On 15 October 2020, we hosted our very first VIRTUAL networking event! This event had originally been scheduled to be held at The Hague Tech in person, but the worsening COVID-19 situation forced us to move our event online. Nevertheless, with nearly 250 attendees and 15 participating organizations, that didn't diminish the fun and usefulness of the event! After our project manager Tetyana Benzeroual's presentation on How Volunteering Can Benefit Your Career, each participating organization was given an opportunity to do a short pitch. For two hours after the pitches, participants had the chance to network and exchange information and ideas - as well as contact info! Thanks to Zoom's ability to host breakout rooms in addition to the main virtual networking space, participants were able to speak with each organization representative in their own chatroom so that they could ask questions and exchange information easily and directly. 

Registered Organizations 

The success of this event is especially gratifying for us due to the fact that we had to shift this to a virtual event. We won't lie: We didn't know what to expect, and we were a little worried that there could be technical issues, but Zoom came through for us! In the words of one attendee, "I especially liked the positive energy and the can-do mentality during this event. It is quite unique to bring together so many people in an online setting."

Below you will find a list of the organizations that attended, as well as a brief description of each and their contact info. Please take a look and if you want more information about their mission or current opportunities, feel free to contact the organizations directly!

Given the success of this virtual networking event, we are excited to announce our second online volunteer fair at 12:00 - 14:30 on December 3rd, 2020. Mark your calendars and we will be sending out the invitation in the coming week. Please keep an eye out for our announcements - both for our networking events and our webinars! 

We want to sincerely thank all those who were able to attend this event. And we very much hope to see you at a future event!

About the Presenter

Tetyana Benzeroual, BSc (Hons) Psychology, is an expat who has been in The Hague with her family for the last five years. She started her career path in The Netherlands as a volunteer and was later hired as a project manager here at Volunteer The Hague, where she works with the Municipality to fulfill our mission of connecting local internationals with meaningful volunteer opportunities at local nonprofit organizations. Tetyana is a true citizen of the world who has lived, studied, and worked across North America and Europe. She is keen to share with you her experience and expertise, as well as to give you some insider tips on how volunteering can benefit your career!

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