Talent for Good Fair 2024: Navigating your career for a better world

The Talent for Good Fair is the biggest talent fair for impact and purpose driven careers in the Netherlands. The Fair aims to connect students and young professionals with future career paths in The Hague and the Netherlands. We welcome international peace and justice organisations, local initiatives, development and humanitarian organisations, non-for-profit organisations, and impact start-ups and more to sign up to connect with future talent.
Organised by The Hague Humanity Hub in collaboration with The Hague University of Applies Sciences, TU Delft, Institute for Social Studies, InHolland The Hague, The Hague International Centre, Impact City, Volunteer The Hague and the Municipality of The Hague, this event seeks to inspire, educate, and create pathways for individuals to embark on purposeful and impactful careers that contribute to positive change.
What participants can expect
• Explore exciting career, internship and volunteering opportunities: connect with a diverse range of organisations and discover career options in the peace and justice sector
• Network with industry leaders: engage with professionals who are making a difference and gain insights into their inspiring journeys
• Attend insightful sessions: participate in inspiring workshops, fireside chats and speed-dating mentoring sessions throughout the day
• Connect with like-minded individuals: join a community of individuals who share your passion for a purpose-driven career
• Access educational institutions: learn about higher education programmes that can help you develop the skills and knowledge needed for a meaningful career
• Contribute to a better world: discover how you can make a tangible impact and become part of a global movement for positive change
Who should attend?
• Students aspiring to start their journey towards a purpose-driven career
• Young professionals exploring opportunities in peace, justice, security, humanitarian and development sectors and more
• Professionals interested in transitioning to a career in the humanitarian, non-profit and impact sectors.
• 30+ organisations from international peace and justice organisation, local initiatives, development and humanitarian organisations, security sector initiatives and more.
• Engaging side sessions:
o Workshops: ranging from how to build your career in the Netherlands, how to prepare for interviews, navigating your career in different sectors for good
o Fireside chats with experienced professionals reflecting on their career stories and sharing advice
o 1-1 speed dating mentoring sessions
o LinkedIn/ headshot photo booth
Join our workshop by registering at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/talent-for-good-fair-2024-tickets-884787742957