Post | October 2018 | News | 1 min read

The Volunteer Academy

The Volunteer Academy

As internationals living in The Hague and volunteering for various organizations, sometimes we find ourselves lacking a certain set of skills that would not only strengthen our work abilities, but also develop ourselves further into life in the Netherlands.  Luckily, The Volunteer Academy of Den Haag Doet and PEP Den Haag is available for everyone who wants to contribute to the Hague and further explore the topics encountered in their volunteer work. It is a platform for anyone and everyone, where organizations can place courses that are interesting to volunteers. Even members of organizations can attend!

It is important to note that most, if not all, of these courses available are in Dutch. However, what better way to practice your Dutch and improve your skillset with a free lesson by your favorite organization? Courses are varied and often free, yet for the providers that do charge costs, you can often find discount options such as the Stork Pass (Ooievaarspas), Discount Pass and valuation via the web shop. On each course description, you can find costs and whether a discount is possible.

With these workshops and courses, you can learn a variety of skills that range from how to organize and plan for your future, how to best guide people in a wheelchair, attain funds to support your organization, how to train volunteers, how to interview someone, and more. Click here to scroll through their many available lessons and learn more about The Volunteer Academy!

Den Haag Doet Vrijwilligersacademie - Vrijwilligers Academie

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