Post | July 2023 | News | 2 min read

A Call Out to the Dutch Non-Profits: Ukrainian Refugees Looking for Volunteer Opportunities

Written by Anastasia Pinchuk
Every year, on June 20th, the global community honours the resilience and bravery of individuals who have been forced to leave their homelands due to war or fear of persecution. The designated theme for World Refugee Day in 2023 is "hope away from home," emphasising the influential force of inclusion and the pursuit of viable solutions for refugees. By embracing an inclusive approach, we aspire to create a world where refugees are always welcomed and integrated.    By incorporating refugees into the communities that have provided them safety following their escape from armed conflict and persecution, we facilitate their successful reestablishment and empower them to make valuable contributions to their host nations. This approach proves to be the most effective way to assist refugees in rebuilding their lives and allowing them to actively participate in their new societies.    The challenges faced by Ukrainian refugees in the Netherlands are an example of the real-life implications of World Refugee Day's theme of inclusion. Among Ukrainian refugees, there are many highly skilled individuals who are eager to actively integrate into Dutch society. However, due to their status under the EU Temporary Protection Directive, they are currently unable to access integration courses, hindering their ability to systematically learn the Dutch language and culture, unlike legally recognised refugees. This limitation not only poses difficulties for their integration but also creates obstacles in finding employment or volunteer opportunities.    As non-profit organisations in The Hague, you have a unique opportunity to make a lasting impact by actively engaging Ukrainian refugees as volunteers. By providing them with meaningful volunteer opportunities, you not only enable them to utilise their skills and expertise but also offer them a platform to connect with the local community, build relationships, and improve their language proficiency.    Hiring Ukrainian refugees gets you proactive, dedicated, and enthusiastic members on board. They are highly skilled and have lots of experience, and can offer fresh perspectives, which can only enrich your organisation.      “We have experience, time, and passion to be useful to Dutch society, and we would like to be more integrated into the community. If you have interesting tasks for us, we are here to help” Alena, Kyiv    Furthermore, by incorporating Ukrainian refugees as volunteers, you provide them with an opportunity to gain valuable work experience and references within the Dutch context. This experience can greatly enhance their future employment prospects, as it demonstrates their ability to adapt, collaborate, and contribute effectively within the local community.     By actively embracing and involving Ukrainian refugees as volunteers, your non-profit organisation can make a significant difference in their lives, while simultaneously enriching your own work. Together, we can foster a stronger and more inclusive community in The Hague, where the talents and aspirations of Ukrainian refugees are recognised, valued, and utilised to their fullest potential.    “Refugees want opportunities, not handouts. They wish to be self-reliant, and are eager to use their talents and passions to contribute to the communities hosting them” UNHCR

Every year, on June 20th, the global community honours the resilience and bravery of individuals who have been forced to leave their homelands due to war or fear of persecution. The designated theme for World Refugee Day in 2023 is "hope away from home," emphasizing the influential force of inclusion and the pursuit of viable solutions for refugees. By embracing an inclusive approach, we aspire to create a world where refugees are always welcomed and integrated.

By incorporating refugees into the communities that have provided them safety following their escape from armed conflict and persecution, we facilitate their successful reestablishment and empower them to make valuable contributions to their host nations. This approach proves to be the most effective way to assist refugees in rebuilding their lives and allowing them to actively participate in their new societies.

The challenges faced by Ukrainian refugees in the Netherlands are an example of the real-life implications of World Refugee Day's theme of inclusion. Among Ukrainian refugees, there are many highly skilled individuals who are eager to actively integrate into Dutch society. However, due to their status under the EU Temporary Protection Directive, they are currently unable to access integration courses, hindering their ability to systematically learn the Dutch language and culture, unlike legally recognised refugees. This limitation not only poses difficulties for their integration but also creates obstacles in finding employment or volunteer opportunities.

As a non-profit organization in The Hague, you have a unique opportunity to make a lasting impact by actively engaging Ukrainian refugees as volunteers. By providing them with meaningful volunteer opportunities, you not only enable them to utilize their skills and expertise but also offer them a platform to connect with the local community, build relationships, and improve their language proficiency.

Hiring Ukrainian refugees gets you proactive, dedicated, and enthusiastic team members. They are highly skilled and have lots of experience, and can offer fresh perspectives, which can only enrich your organization.  

“We have experience, time, and passion to be useful to Dutch society, and we would like to be more integrated into the community. If you have interesting tasks for us, we are here to help” Elena, Kyiv

Furthermore, by incorporating Ukrainian refugees as volunteers, you provide them with an opportunity to gain valuable work experience and references within the Dutch context. This experience can greatly enhance their future employment prospects, as it demonstrates their ability to adapt, collaborate, and contribute effectively within the local community. 

By actively embracing and involving Ukrainian refugees as volunteers, your non-profit organization can make a significant difference in their lives, while simultaneously enriching your own work. Together, we can foster a stronger and more inclusive community in The Hague, where the talents and aspirations of Ukrainian refugees are recognized, valued, and utilized to their fullest potential.

“Refugees want opportunities, not handouts. They wish to be self-reliant, and are eager to use their talents and passions to contribute to the communities hosting them” UNHCR

For more information, please feel free to get in touch with Tetyana Benzeroual, Project Manager of Volunteer The Hague and Advisor at PEP Den Haag via phone at 06 - 5341 49 40 or email at [email protected].

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