Post | February 2021 | News | 1 min read

VTH Sits Down With DutchbuzZ to Talk Volunteering, Expat Life, and COVID-19 Challenges

Written by Tetyana Benzeroual

Last week, VTH project manager Tetyana Benzoural sat down for an interview with DutchbuzZ, The Hague's very own expat-focused media station, as part of their "The Hague Pearls" segment. This segment focuses on individuals who are making positive contributions to our local international community. Tetyana and DutchbuzZ founder Lily-Anne Stroobach of course discussed Volunteer The Hague's mission of connecting internationals looking to volunteer with organizations eager to work with local internationals. But during their conversation they also delved into some other important topics, including volunteer culture in The Netherlands, reasons that people want to volunteer, and the special challenges the COVID-19 pandemic has created for our community. Check out the YouTube video below to hear the full interview! 

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