No dishwashing; just cooking!

No dishwashing; just cooking!

Organisation role (Long-term) · Flexible hours
Drapeniersgaarde 4, 2542 VP Den Haag, Nederland
Cooking & eatingSocial contact
WellbeingPeople with disabilities
3 Good health and well-being10 Reduced inequalities

Contact person

Annelies van StaverenAsk Annelies a question or contact the organiser directly at [email protected] or 0612505463.
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Stichting Anton Constandse
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Eating together is important in the structure that our residents need. Will you come and cook for our residents; homeless people. Day in consultation, possibly 1 x p2w

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About Stichting Anton Constandse

At Anton Constandse we help people with psychological vulnerability on their way. Together we look at what someone needs in daily life for his/her recovery. They take the lead and our employees support them in this. We work together on dreams and goals. Our volunteers contribute to the recovery; by eg; to work together in one of our gardens, to make music, to visit, to cook, to play a game, to take out and so on. Please feel free to contact us; There is a place in our organization for everyone who wants to become a volunteer. We do request a Certificate of Good Conduct; but we will also arrange that together, without costs.

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