Skip Sidebar![11 Sustainable cities and communities](/sdgs/en/SDG-Goal-11.png)
![15 Life on land](/sdgs/en/SDG-Goal-15.png)
![3 Good health and well-being](/sdgs/en/SDG-Goal-03.png)
The Friends of De Nijkamphoeve Foundation wants to operate a low-threshold, accessible Neighborhood Farm that connects people and allows them to come together. We want to bring the farm animal closer ...
Animal welfareNature & sustainabilityEducation
Existing Volunteer PolicyWe offer Training & Development for volunteers
![11 Sustainable cities and communities](/sdgs/en/SDG-Goal-11.png)
![15 Life on land](/sdgs/en/SDG-Goal-15.png)
![3 Good health and well-being](/sdgs/en/SDG-Goal-03.png)