Mix & Match Volunteer Job Fair

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Mix & mingle with fellow expats from The Hague region, as well as representatives from local NGOs and service organizations eager to work with internationals!Detailed description
Event Details:
📅 Date: Saturday, 30 November 2024
🕐 Time: 11:00 – 15:30
💰 Cost: Absolutely Free!
📍 Location: The Social Hub The Hague - Hoefkade 9, 2526 BN Den Haag
Event highlights:
· Over 30 participating non-profits
· 300+ volunteering opportunities
· Personal and professional workshops by keynote speakers
After the great turnout at our last event in May, the Volunteer The Hague team is hard at work planning our next fun and informative event for our local international community! Please join us on Saturday, 30 November from 11:00 to 15:30 at The Social Hub of The Hague for our autumn Mix & Match Volunteer Job Fair. Once again, this will be a supersized version of the event, taking place in a bigger venue and on a weekend for added flexibility - with more organizations and more speakers in attendance than ever before!
Our volunteer job fairs are fantastic opportunities to expand your social circles by meeting fellow internationals from the area with whom you can share your experiences and tips about living in and around The Hague. And you'll be able to expand your professional networks as well, since we'll also have representatives from local NGOs and nonprofit organizations in attendance - all of whom are eager to work with international volunteers in a short-term occasional or a long-term committed volunteer opportunities! Our last event in May had nearly 30 organizations in attendance, and we're expecting a similar turnout in November. These NGOs and service organizations cover a wide variety of fields and interests, including human rights, social justice, refugee and migrant assistance, homelessness, animal causes, elderly care, child care, the environment, and so much more. There will be something for everyone, no matter your background or specialization!
But wait, there's more! Brace yourselves for captivating speakers who will inspire and enlighten you. For detailed insights into our distinguished speakers and the event's comprehensive program, simply scroll down.
We hope you'll join us on 30 November for this fantastic learning and networking opportunity! Space is limited, so please be sure to save the date and register ASAP. We look forward to seeing you there!
Event Program:
10:30 - 11:00 Presentation “Integrating Volunteering Into Your Job-Hunting Strategy," by Sarah Feid an account manager at The Hague International Centre
11:00 Doors open to start mixing and mingling with non-profits and NGOs
11:30 - 11:45 "Welcome Address to the International Community" by the director of PEP Den Haag, Gert-Jan Aleman, and welcome notes by the project lead of Volunteer The Hague Tetyana Benzeroual
12:30 - 13:00 Presentation "Decompress from Stress: 3 Ways to Find Inner Calm & How Volunteering Helps You" by Vassia Sarantopoulou a founder, CEO, and Head Psychologist of the AntiLoneliness company.
13:30 - 14:00 Presentation "From Change to Growth: How Volunteering Helps You Thrive Through Transitions" by Tatjana San Luis, a founder of Inclusive Growth consultancy.
14:30 - 15:00 Presentation “Make Dreams Reality: Build Your Business & Leverage Volunteering for Growth," by Alexandra Titova, an owner of Atna marketing agency
15:30 -16:00 Presentation "Bring Your Cultural Events & Ideas to Life: Easy Funding with CultuurSchakel," by Poernima Gobardhan, an Advisor for Cultural Engagement at CultuurSchakel.
15:30 Event Closing
Volunteer The Hague is proud to bring you this event with the support of our partner Social Hub Den Haag, parent organization PEP Den Haag and, of course, the Municipality of The Hague. Anyone can participate in this fun networking volunteer market, so register now for the chance to meet the local non-profit organizations and network with like-minded internationals! We look forward to seeing you there!
About the Presenters
Gert-Jan Aleman is the current director of PEP Den Haag, having taken over earlier this year from former director Fenna Noordermeer. Previously, Gert-Jan was manager of the Arbo Center of the Municipality of The Hague, where in 2016 he won a national prize as Vitality Manager of The Year. Gert-Jan will offer some opening remarks at the event on behalf of PEP, Volunteer The Hague's parent organization.
Tetyana Benzeroual is an international who has been in The Hague with her family since 2015. She started her career path in The Netherlands as a volunteer and was later hired as a Project Manager for Volunteer The Hague, where she works with PEP Den Haag to fulfill our mission of connecting local internationals with meaningful volunteer opportunities at local nonprofit organizations. Tetyana will MC the event while offering some opening remarks at the Volunteer Job Fair and discussing the importance of internationals making a difference in The Hague through volunteering.
Sarah Feid is an account manager at The Hague International Centre, where she helps to provide easy-to-navigate support for individuals seeking to make the Netherlands their new home. Sarah will give a presentation titled, "Integrating Volunteering Into Your Job-Hunting Strategy," where she will talk about her own experience of going from an international student to working for a Dutch employer and will offer practical info on how to integrate volunteering into job-hunting, as well as career opportunities for internationals.
Vassia Sarantopoulou is the Founder, CEO, and Head Psychologist of AntiLoneliness, a company offering mental health services in The Netherlands. She is also a Trainer, a Perfectionism Expert, and a Mental Health Ambassador, promoting Inner Peace, Mental Strength, and Healthy Relationships. Her team at AntiLoneliness offers individual, couples, or group counseling sessions to those who struggle with anxiety, depression, trauma, grief, burnout, loneliness, relationship issues, transition/change, and expat life. Vassia will give an insightful presentation titled, "Decompress from Stress: 3 Ways to Find Inner Calm & How Volunteering Helps You" at the event.
Tatjana San Luis is the founder of Inclusive Growth, a company offering purpose-driven, forward-looking Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) consulting and coaching services to support people and organizations in navigating change processes. Drawing from her experiences in the Middle East and deep expertise in diversity, equity, and inclusion, Tatjana offers a coaching approach that blends real-life insights with proven strategies. At the event, she will present an engaging talk titled "From Change to Growth: How Volunteering Helps You Thrive Through Transitions".
Alexandra Titova is an accomplished business development consultant and Atna marketing agency owner based in the Netherlands. With over 8 years of experience, she specializes in helping entrepreneurs launch, grow, and relocate their businesses. Having successfully launched more than 23 businesses from scratch, Alexandra is passionate about guiding immigrant entrepreneurs through the challenges of starting and scaling their ventures. She will share her expertise in the presentation titled “Make Dreams Reality: Build Your Business & Leverage Volunteering for Growth," at the event.
Poernima Gobardhan is Advisor for Cultural Engagement at CultuurSchakel, an organization that supports and promotes cultural activities for all residents in The Hague. CultuurSchakel offers funding, guidance, and networking opportunities. They aim to make culture accessible and engaging, fostering a vibrant and inclusive cultural community. Poernima will give a presentation titled, "Bring Your Cultural Events & Ideas to Life: Easy Funding with CultuurSchakel," where she will talk about how CultuurSchakel simplifies the subsidy application process for creative events and activities. Learn how to secure financial support for your ideas, and who knows, maybe your project could be the next one funded by CultuurSchakel!
Registered Organizations
If you are a representative of a non-profit organization that is looking to share the work that you do (as well as register prospective volunteers on the spot at the event!), please join us by registering here.
ACCESS - A longstanding non-profit organization dedicated to assisting and supporting the international community in the Netherlands.
Alfa Wave – A foundation that promotes inclusion by organizing accessible activities with proper support, ensuring everyone, regardless of limitations, can participate, build social connections, and fully engage in society.
Ambassade van Den Haag - A non-profit passionately dedicated to creating a welcoming environment in The Hague by hosting tourists, business visitors, and students in the city center or at events throughout the city.
Arab Organization for Human Rights in North Europe - A foundation focused on enhancing the culture and protecting the status of human rights in Northern European countries.
ART&JAZZ - The Artist Association organizes events with and for artists across various disciplines, including painters, sculptors, ceramists, poets, and more.
Community Plus - A foundation that actively fosters a sense of community in The Hague by initiating and supporting projects focused on social cohesion, livability, and sustainability.
CyberPeace Institute - An organization that protects the most vulnerable in cyberspace by delivering cybersecurity assistance and holding all actors accountable for ensuring peace in cyberspace through exposing the human harm caused by cyberattacks and disinformation.
Dessi Tuji Foundation - Through small-scale projects in education, hygiene, sanitation, and gender awareness, Foundation Dessi Tuji strives to create a better future for the community and future generations.
Expatriate Archive Centre - A foundation that collects and preserves the life stories of expatriates worldwide for future research.
Female Ventures - An organization that builds cross-generational community of ambitious female professionals.
Go-Woman Alliance Europe - A foundation dedicated to addressing social exclusion and fostering innovation within communities across Europe.
HWW zorg - A health care organization with multiple locations in The Haque.
Leger des Heils - A foundation focused on supporting the most vulnerable, including the homeless and those struggling with addiction.
MEBYF Foundation - A non-profit dedicated to inclusion, wellbeing, women's rights, and entrepreneurship for expats.
Moeders Informeren Moeders (MIM) - An organization that connects mothers in The Hague with a volunteer who is also a mother, to boost their confidence, help them explore the possibilities in their community, and foster greater independence.
Muzee Scheveningen - A wonderful museum about the history and cultural heritage of Scheveningen.
MVidee - An organization striving to empower young people and women through innovation and creativity.
Netherlands Yogasana Sports association - A non-profit organization focused on mental, physical, and spiritual well-being through the ancient science of yoga, working to integrate it into everyday life.
Participatie Keuken - A foundation that creates an impact on society by organizing social gatherings with healthy food, fostering connections, reducing loneliness, combating food waste, and addressing poverty.
Present Den Haag - An organization that serves as a bridge between individuals, organizations, churches, families, governments, and businesses who want to volunteer and those in need of extra help.
Respijthuis HouseMartin - A guest house where sick individuals without a roof over their heads can stay temporarily to recover from illness or rehabilitate after hospitalization.
rtv Discus - A media organization aiming to create programs by internationals for internationals.
Saffier - A foundation that provides specialized care and treatment in various fields at multiple locations in The Hague, where you can live with care or receive treatment, and is characterized by innovation and curiosity, reflected in our areas of specialization.
Scouting Haagse Hout - A Dutch scout group offering indoor and outdoor activities, teambuilding, camps, and fun for young people aged 7-18, welcoming leaders eager to learn Dutch.
Soul Surfers - An organization that uses surfing as a motivator to enhance both physical and emotional well-being among participants.
TERRA Foundation - A nonprofit organization dedicated to mitigating climate change by supporting locally-led reforestation initiatives and social entrepreneurship in the Amazon.
The Hague International Centre - A point of contact for internationals and international staff of organizations and companies in The Hague region.
The Hungry Mind - A volunteer-run clubhouse and café located in the heart of the beautiful Ockenburgh, offering the opportunity to meet internationals, make new friends, and learn how to make great coffee.
Thuisgekookt - A foundation that offers a social meal service, where community members cook meals at home for neighbors who find it difficult to cook due to age, health, or disabilities, with meals available for pickup or delivery at cost price, with no obligation.
TransitieCinema - An organization dedicated to organizing English-language documentary evenings focused on sustainability and transition, followed by a Q&A session with experts or a related workshop.
VIA Netherlands - An NGO focused on promoting youth, social justice, and peace work.
Vital Aid Foundation - An organization that supports migrant women in their quest for integration.
Wool for Warmth - A foundation that helps the most vulnerable homeless people by knitting and crocheting with wool while raising awareness about homelessness.
WZH WoonZorgcentra Haaglanden - An elderly care organization.
YMCA Den Haag - Inclusive youth organization specializing in summer camps and other youth activities.