Tailored advice
Talentscan and personal advice
Everybody is good at something. You have people that can make anything, while others have two left hands but brim with ideas. Interesting organisations or projects can always use talented volunteers. The handyman can pick up odd jobs while someone else can act as board member or PR assistant. If you are still unsure about your own talents, why not take our online talentscan.
Personal advice
You may also visit one of our Bemiddelingspunten Vrijwilligerswerk (Intermediary Centres for Volunteers). There are always people around to exchange ideas with.
Courses to help you develop your talents
We offer various courses and workshops in personal development. An overview of these can be found on the Talent Development-page. At the moment these are mainly language - and computer courses, but others will be added shortly. You can also develop yourself by taking a course at ROC Mondriaan or take up volunteering.
Special business training for women
For women who seek to set up a business there is the Bissmiss School (page link). The course covers all important aspects: from writing a business plan to acquisition to tax matters. But the Bissmiss School also focuses on your personal development. Essential (entrepreneurial) skills are discussed and your own individual talents and strong points will be incorporated as well. There will be plenty of room for your own input.
Looking for a coach or becoming one
The organisation Talentcoach arranges for matching with a coach. Thjs can take two forms:
- Finding a coach to develop your talents (page link)
- Becoming a coach to help others (page link)
Help from a coach
You can also work on your future with the help of a coach. Do you want get ahead, are you ambitious but unsure how to get where you want to be? Maybe a talentcoach can give you a push in the right direction. For a period of one year someone from the professional employment circuit will coach you. Together you will set up a plan. Every week or every two weeks you will be working together towards your goals.
Apprenticeship or (social) traineeship
Having trouble finding a job? A traineeship combines working and learning. Read more about the possibilities of traineeships here (page link).
Students may combine working and learning by taking on a social traineeship. On this page you can find more information on social traineeships (page link).
Also visit:
Intermediary Centres for Volunteers (i-Shops):
Stop by for personal advice!
Take the online test and discover your talent!