Foundation Euro-Exchange Benelux
About Foundation Euro-Exchange Benelux is a new activity of Euro-Exchange Benelux. A foundation for inter-cultural and inter-social exchange within Europe.Pursuing our 'Get to know country and people concept' we have recently started a travel programme 'Meet the Greeks in Kos' (We have already been do this to GB for a great number of years).
We are looking for a volunteer to assist William Young and Fay van der Lans to give this initiative a face on social media and assist us on the Island of Kos with finding Greek host families, organize gatherings with the Greeks etc. Also to help us in our office (asap) to prepare this trip to Kos. Your flight and accommodation will be paid by our organisation. Dates: From 26th September to 3rd October 2022.
Call William Young on 06 55 82 88 82 for more information.