Online Volunteer - 100% Virtual Assistant

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Looking for an English-speaking assistant who owns a laptop/pc/tablet and willing to help us for 2-5 hours a week. 100% remote & virtual. No writing needed.Detailed description
Positive News Foundation shares uplifting news articles across the globe. We don't write our own content; we only share.
We are looking for an English-speaking assistant to help us find and share daily positive news articles.
You don't have to write the articles (but you can if you want). We share existing positive world news articles, all of them in English.
100% remote task - so you can do them online in the comfort of your own home. Simple tasks, explained with videos.
100% flexibility - you can do the daily uploads (min 7 per week/1 per day) once a week when convenient for you. And the system will upload them on schedule.
100% volunteer-based. Our ANBI foundation has just started and we cannot remunerate any jobs for now.
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