Wijkz, Centrum

About Wijkz, Centrum

In 2022, Mooi, Voor and Zebra Welfare continued together under the name Wijkz. Our services remain as you have come to expect from us. At our locations you can find activities, help and support in your area every day. Through our Service Points you can easily make contact with youth workers, community workers, elderly consultants and other professionals in the neighborhood.

I want to work here is the platform for volunteer work at Wijkz, MEE ZHN, JESS, JongLeren and Xtra. These organizations work together to benefit all residents of the Haaglanden region.

Want to know more about volunteer work within Wijkz, MEE ZHN, JESS, JongLeren or Xtra? Then visit a Service Point XL near you. We will tell you more about the possibilities and are happy to help you find the right volunteer work. Your personal preferences, knowledge, experience and talent are always taken into account. You are always welcome within our opening hours and can come without an appointment.

You can find our locations at https://servicepuntxl.nl/locations/servicepuntxl/

Recently added opportunities

 Do you have a few hours a week to drive the elderly around?
Organisation role (Long-term) · 2–4 hrs/Week
Den Haag
Do you have a few hours a week to drive the elderly around?
Are you the nice volunteer driver we are looking for? Guiding and driving, a great project, is looking for people with their own car and driver's license. Reimbursement per journey.Posted by Wijkz, Centrum
