About Stek Den Haag, maatjesproject 2GO
Buddy project 2GO, for victims of human trafficking.
Victims of human trafficking often have a small network or live in social isolation. A buddy can help with this.
A buddy is someone who wants to help break the negative spiral of isolation and feelings of demotivation. The buddy helps to increase the social network. This can be done by doing fun activities together: eating together, walking together, going to a neighborhood activity together, playing sports, visiting museums, or just having a nice chat. Some clients have not been in the Netherlands or The Hague for long. A buddy can show them around in the Netherlands/in the city. In short, as a buddy you can mean a lot and learn! As a buddy you are expected to be matched for one year and to be available for one half day per week or every two weeks.
Furthermore, as a buddy you are open to other backgrounds and norms & values and you show respect for this. You are able to build a relationship of trust with someone and you are a go-getter. You are enthusiastic, enterprising and a good listener. You have both feet on the ground and are at least 21 years old.