Wegelaergroep Scouting

About Wegelaergroep Scouting

Welcome to the Wegelaergroep! The Wegelaergroep is a scouting group aimed at children and young people with a physical or mental disability. We have been in existence as Wegelaergroep since 1971. The history of our group goes back to 1946.

Our goal is to provide enjoyable leisure activities for our members. The outdoors and growing independence and self-reliance are central to this.

The promotion of independence and self-reliance is a common thread in our activities. As members get older, they become more and more involved in devising and preparing the activities. Less and less is done for the members, but more and more together with the members.

The fact that our scouts are disabled is not central, but is 'only' seen as a practical limitation in the scouting game. The group or its members are certainly not pathetic. As an association we organize the same activities for and with our members as a 'normal' Scouting group. Of course, this requires the necessary adjustments and creativity. Our motto is 'can not exist', even with a disability it is simply possible to light a fire or camp in a tent.
