Who will help us ensure that De Paardenberg looks spick and span?

Contact person
Scan me or visit www.volunteerthehague.nl/o/Buurt--en-kerkhuis-de-Paardenberg-Wil-van-Ulft/opportunities/Who-will-help-us-ensure-that-De-Paardenberg-looks-spick-and-span/83321 to join
De Paardenberg is located in an old church building. We are looking for someone who can help with cleaning the building.Detailed description
Neighborhood and church house De Paardenberg is a place where people from and around Transvaal meet each other and do all kinds of activities together, such as language and cycling lessons, food bank distribution point and drop-in center.
We think it is important that the building looks neat, so that people enjoy coming there.
But cleaning takes more time than we thought, and that is why we are looking for people who would like to commit themselves to this.
How often and on what day? We'll probably figure it out together!
We ask:
We are looking for someone who enjoys cleaning and can enjoy that others are happy with how the building looks.
We offer:
Nice team of enthusiastic volunteers, attention to each other, but also an annual outing and a Christmas present.
Furthermore: you will become a member of a nice volunteer team and others will be very happy that you keep the building clean!
Amount of hours: in consultation
Time: in consultation
Age limit: Minimum 18 years
Interested? Then register via this website!