Time left? Help a local resident in need with his/her garden

Contact person
Scan me or visit www.volunteerthehague.nl/o/MOOI-Escamp-Wijkcentrum-Escampade/opportunities/Time-left-Help-a-local-resident-in-need-with-hisher-garden/82192 to join
You help a resident in need of care in Escamp who is no longer able to maintain his/her own garden (on call).Detailed description
What is Neighborhood Assistance?
Residents of The Hague, who live independently but are no longer able to carry out certain jobs independently, can use the Neighborhood Assistance service. As a neighbor assistance volunteer you will be entered in our system and you will be called when there is a local resident in need of help in your area. This summer we are especially looking for garden volunteers.
Are you who we are looking for?
- at least 18 years old and speaks the Dutch language;
- enthusiastic and helpful: you like to help neighbors/residents in need of help
- social, involved and respectful: you can easily have a chat and empathize with others.
What do we agree on?
In consultation with the Volunteer Point coordinator, you decide when you can help. Your commitment is voluntary.
Send an email to [email protected] or call the coordinator of Neighborhood Assistance in Escamp, Melinda Lake, on: 06 43 39 52 76
*The position is available on call, you can indicate when you are available/not available. Cancellation is possible at any time.