Musical enthusiastic volunteer wanted

Musical enthusiastic volunteer wanted

Organisation role (Long-term) · 2–3 hrs/Week
Leyweg 1452, 2545 HP Den Haag, Nederland
WellbeingPeople with disabilitiesHealth
3 Good health and well-being10 Reduced inequalities

Contact person

Niels de JongAsk Niels a question or contact the organiser directly at [email protected] or 070-3504323.
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Gemiva-SVG Groep
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We at activity center Sparring (center for people with physical disabilities) are looking for someone who can play music with our clients.

Getting there

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About Gemiva-SVG Groep

People with disabilities are people among people. We want to help them establish and maintain satisfying relationships with family, friends, neighbors and acquaintances. We want to offer them daytime activities in a safe environment where people understand their disability and where they can count on expert guidance with specific care questions.

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