Foster parents wanted for dogs and cats

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Mendoo is immediately looking for host families and pet parents who want to temporarily care for dogs and/or cats.Detailed description
The owners of these animals are temporarily unable to care for their animal, because they have fled domestic violence and are staying in a shelter. It is preferred that you do not have any animals yourself.
Are you able to give a dog or cat a safe and loving place for a period varying from a few months to a maximum of a year? And do you not have any pets of your own? What we ask of you is the loving care and attention for an animal that needs it so much.
Veterinary expenses are reimbursed. We always guarantee the anonymity of our host families and host parents. We are looking for host families and host parents in the region of The Hague.
It is nice if you have experience with taking care of pets, but this is not a requirement. It is an advantage if you do not have your own pets, because it makes matching easier. If you know that your own pets are social and get used to a temporary guest easily, feel free to send a message.
We are particularly looking for foster parents who have experience with larger dogs (such as Staffordshire Terriers, Shepherds, Labradors, etc.) and/or behavioral problems.
For more information, please feel free to contact us!
About Stichting Mendoo
Mendoo offers practical help to victims of domestic violence in a care process and their pet, by encouraging and supporting shelter locations in admitting animals. If this is not possible, Mendoo can temporarily take care of these people's pets with (anonymous) host families and host parents. For many victims of domestic violence, the pet is a reason not to flee or to flee much later, because they do not want to leave the pet with their ex-partner. By temporarily hosting the animal with a host family, the owner can work on recovery in peace, without worrying about the pet.
In addition, Mendoo also provides training and education to care providers about the relationship between domestic violence, child abuse and animal abuse and the role of pets in the family system.